Here we go!
Welcome to our summer travel blog! Here you'll find daily pictures and summaries of our days spent traveling abroad. Nico and I both wanted something to look back on to relive these moments. This also came highly requested from family and friends! So follow along if you like!
This first post will be long!
Let's start with the weeks leading up to our departure. They were filled with excitement and anxiety. Of course with travelling those two emotions typically come hand in hand. On top of it all we had to pack up our entire apartment and move everything into a storage unit days before leaving Atlanta. If you've ever moved you know the woes of moving. We accumulated a lot of stuff in the last year and it seemed never ending. Moving and packing for a two month trip proved to be VERY difficult. I definitely over packed, but somehow managed to keep my suitcase under 50 lbs!!! Leaving our first home as a married couple left us with mixed emotions for sure, but we're so excited to embark on this new adventure!
We were fortunate enough to spend Memorial Day weekend with my family before leaving. It was the perfect send off. We are also the worst group of people to get a picture all together!
Goodbyes with sweet Miley girl! 😭
Nico and I were dropped off at the airport by our wonderful friend Stefanie after breakfast at Whole Foods. (THANKS STEF!)
So when we arrived at the airport we headed straight for the Delta Sky Club for some snacks and drinks. After our first drink we recieved notification that our flight had been delayed 1 hour and 45 minutes. We were bummed, but thought whatever "it happens". We'll still have time to make our connecting flight from Boston to Paris...NOPE.
We boarded our plane 2 hours later and as we're sitting on the runway we were told that we were being delayed again and it could possibly be up to 1 hour and 40 minutes. Their were no answers as to why we were being delayed. We knew there was a direct flight from Raleigh to Paris leaving in 40 minutes. If possible, we wanted to see if we could be transferred on to that flight since at this point we were going to miss our connecting flight. It seems that there were other people on our Boston flight also going to Paris and London who feared they would miss their connecting flight. They wanted to deplane and be rerouted in Raleigh. After many failed attempts to get the flight attendants attention I finally approached her and asked if there was any way we could deplane as well and try to catch the direct flight or be rerouted to another city. Her response was, "it seems there are others who also want to deplane as well, but the goal is to make it to Boston and make those connecting flights." Keep in mind our flight was leaving at 7:03pm in Boston and it was now 5:30pm. The pilot said over the intercom that they were going to hold the connecting flights for those going international. With no other announcement, we take off around 5:35pm.
As we are landing we see our HUGE plane sitting at the gate we were supposed to be at. We know it's still there and our Delta app says they were still boarding. There was a little bit of hope. The flight attendants asked to let those who have connecting flight to get off the plane first. No one listens. We stand on the plane for 10 more minutes as we wait for people to get their bags and get off. Again, they announce to let those who have connecting flights off first so that they can catch the LONDON flight that's waiting on them. Once we run down the aisle we are greeted by a woman yelling (obviously frustrated) "the Paris plane is not waiting for you! It has left, you have missed your flight!" Eight people missed their flight to Paris and we were told to go to the customer services phones and call delta. There was no one in the airport that could apparently help us.
Everything was booked that night. To Paris, London, Munich, etc. We were not getting to Europe. We rescheduled for today. Hopefully it will go smoother, although Boston is expecting bad weather today. We were lucky enough to be comped meals and a hotel.
Waiting 45 minutes in 50 degree weather for the shuttle to the hotel.
Upside is we get to explore Boston today! A city we both have never visited. The vacation began with a few unexpected twists, but we are staying positive. First stop Mike's Pastrys and delicious Italian food in the North End.
Signing off for now!
The Quintanas